In the Flow with Healing Waters


Inner Peace

I am a person who likes to read quotes, sayings or short stories. I especially like to read things that cause me to reflect and see where I’m falling short. I like to apply these messages to myself for encouragement, positivity and to shift things so I can be the best version of me. 

I subscribe to a daily inspirational message called The Daily Word. It focuses on a variety of themes from inner peace, hope, healing, guidance, gratitude and many others things. The one I am about to share with you is titled Inner Peace. 

“I surrender to the mystery of life and find peace.

Sometimes I think if only I understood something more completely or could figure out an issue that escapes my understanding, I could finally be at peace. But there will always be things beyond my comprehension, always opportunities to grow in understanding. 

Today I make friends with the mystery of life. I content myself with the pace of my growth and all I have discovered and learned so far along my spiritual path. 

There is a great peace in acceptance. As I grow comfortable with uncertainty, I relax and learn from what life is showing me. My understanding grows steadily when I move in rhythm with the Universe. 

I am learning, I am growing, I am at peace.”

Finding your inner peace in the flow,

