In the Flow with Healing Waters

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I am enjoying practicing living in my I AM state of being.

This means I am practicing living in the flow, open, loving, connected, and honest with myself. This can be humbling, fun, joyful, and eye opening. I am practicing it, because I understand how amazing it feels when I live here. 

I am learning that I have had excuses for not playing full on. It ranges from, it frightens me, to what others will think, or I don’t have time, money,  resources or the right people to help me. The list goes on and on.

Excuses, we all use them.

I have decided to play fully in my I AM. I am choosing to call myself out on my excuses.

I know when I am not true to my I AM. When I am not true, I am stealing some of the joy, and passion from my life. I want so much more for me than that. 
I am beginning to view my I AM as my inner child; I am treating her like she desires to be treated. Not how I have treated her in the past. Nurturing her with love, kindness, and grace, listening to her needs/wants/desires. When I do this, I begin to open to love, joy, and happiness. This is truly what I desire and have always desired.

So much of my life I have looked for love outside of me. Today I am looking for it within me. 

Can it be this simple?
Can I have it all?
I know for me, the answer to these two questions is yes.

I am saying yes to me.

Yes, to I AM.

Yes, to joy, happiness, ease, passion and to all that I can be and become.

My word for the year is value. 

Much of my life I have not valued myself. I have said I have “value” but, for most of my life I have done what I thought others want from me, what I think I should be, do or say.  I am guilty of holding back and filtering. (Some who are close to me will question if that is true, but trust me, it is.) 

Today, I promise myself, from this day forward, I will live in my I AM often and be conscious of it.
With grace for me, I see my value. For the first time in my life, I stand in my values, I am ready to experience I AM in all my glory, and share it without a filter. 

Doing this, I AM shows up as the best version of me, and I feel complete, whole, and joyful. I share this as a way of accountability to me. Now that you know my I AM it validates me. Maybe you will be inspired to practice living in your I AM and feel into your empowerment.

I encourage you to share your I AM first with self, then with others. Speak it outloud and see how you feel. It will change you, and the people around you will feel it and sense it. It puts out the ripple of love we are all desiring. 

This changes the state of the world, one person at a time. It starts with me and you, we have this!

Welcome to the I AM movement. We have more exciting news coming soon about it. 


In the Flow



Denise is the co-owner, founder of Healing Waters Health Center and AcuEnergetics® Senior Practioner. She is also a AcuEnergetics® level 1 teacher, and Co-Creator of The Perfect Triangle. Denise’s intrigue with and curiosity about energy flowing through the body began at a young age. She loves educating people on how energy in the body affects our well-being. With more than 30 years of experience, she has a well-rounded approach to assisting people who are interested in alternative ways to improve their health and happiness.