In the Flow with Healing Waters
What is Wellness?
What is wellness to you?
I used to think of wellness as some zen state that was only achievable by monks or someone much more spiritual than myself.
I have since learned that wellness is not just a state of mind.
While meditation, journaling, praying, etc. are all great practices for mind wellness, there is a physical piece as well. I am not just talking about eating healthy and getting enough rest, exercise, etc. It is understanding your body’s emotional and physical triggers, holding patterns and overall sense of well being.
Acuenergetics® Wellness Balances are a great tool for this. We are able to not just focus on “putting out fires, but achieve overall wellness as a whole.
Feeling physically and emotionally better in your own skin.
A wellness balance can enhance a treatment, aiding in getting the energy to move faster during treatment. It is also fantastic for promoting health and wellbeing.
We address anxiety, depression, digestive issues, fertility, back pain, rashes, liver congestion and so much more!
Keeping your body in optimal working order, addressing blockages as they arise and before they have time to become a pattern in your body that causes lasting damage.
Healing Waters understands keeping your energy moving helps people stay well. So we have a monthly membership program. These are some of the benefits of this program. As a monthly member, you receive a discount and also a 4 week in person meditation series or 6 week series online for free.
This is a great way to blend the body and mind wellness!
You do not need to sign up for the membership to enjoy the benefits of a wellness balance, we offer monthly balance specials to address specific issues.
This month is Client’s choice! Any of the 11 balances are discounted in our monthly special of $99 (regularly $125). It can be any issue from low energy, to digestive issues, to liver/detoxing issues, to back/hip pain, anxiety, lymph issues, to low immune system problems.
This is a perfect month to come in and experience a wellness balance that is suited directly to you and begin to understand what wellness feels like.
I look forward to meeting you!
– In the Flow
Written by Lisa Warman, AcuEnergetics® senior balancer