In the Flow with Healing Waters

Relationship between cognition, emotions, and behavior

Thoughts and Emotions

Isn’t it interesting that our emotions dictate how we feel?
Like when you feel anxious your heart can begin to flutter, or your stomach gets butterflies, or you can get a headache.

Did you know, it all starts with a thought, and that our thoughts begin a domino effect?

  1. The thought produces an emotion 
  2. Emotion produces a feeling
  3. Feeling produces an action (or reaction)
  4. Action produces a result.

Well, this is the natural way that we respond to a thought and it really isn’t a problem until it becomes one. 

And what does that mean you ask?

When we naturally let go of the tension in the emotion or feeling, this is healthy.

The truth is we really can’t hold onto the tension forever. We have to allow it to subside, or we would not be able to function.  

The problem arises when we allow a distraction to take us out of the emotion and then we pick that emotion up again and we are triggered right back to feeling, action, (reaction), and result. Holding on and harboring it. 

I had a discussion with my 9 and 12-year-old grandsons the other day. The oldest was talking about remembering when his third brother was born. He talked about that day and the sweet things about it.

The younger one then said to his older brother, “You know that time when we made a deal, you would feed our little brother his very first bite of food, then I would get to feed him? You actually fed him 3 bites instead, I am still angry about that; you broke our deal. Then the second child said, “That is okay because I still get back at you for breaking our deal.”

I asked the 9-year-old who is feeling that? Do you think I feel it? His answer was “NO!” 

I asked, do you think your brother is still feeling that? His answer was “NO”

We went on to discuss that when we feel it and hold on to it, it is only hurting ourselves.  It was interesting because he appeared to understand this. 

He then went on to say it again out loud, and then he started to laugh, saying, “When I just said that out loud I sounded ridiculous.” 

Isn’t that amazing? 

Even at a young age we can hold on, and then when you really listen to yourself say it again, you can laugh at how silly it sounds.

Why is this important?

When we stay stuck in the patterns in our thoughts, it keeps the continuous pattern in the body. 

If held onto long enough it produces stagnation in our electrical energy field which will eventually produce pain in the mind and body. 

Let’s see if this is true for you.

Think of the last UPSET you had, might be earlier today, might be a week ago.  

Let’s first word clear “upset”.
An upset is to close off or block yourself from someone or something.

Do you know that closed-off or blocked feeling you have had toward someone if they said something that made you feel angry, frustrated, sad, or worried?  

Yep, that feeling. It is a feeling of contraction, a feeling of closing. I find it interesting that everyone does it. 

Watch a three-year-old when they are happy and excited, then they are told “NO” and they instantly start to cry, 2 to 3 minutes later they are laughing again. 

You can see the sequence of events when a thought moves to a feeling, then to an action or reaction, and finally to a result, happens very quickly with a little child. They move quickly, they don’t hang on, not until they are older do they start to have resentment, hold on and carry a grudge. 

Begin to notice your thoughts and the connection with how you are feeling. 

It is the start of a new way,

a new way to think,

producing a new way of emotion

eliciting a new feeling

resulting in a different outcome.

Live in the flow,

Denise Gunderson


Denise is the co-owner, founder of Healing Waters Health Center and AcuEnergetics® Senior Practioner. She is also a AcuEnergetics® level 1 teacher, and Co-Creator of The Perfect Triangle. Denise’s intrigue with and curiosity about energy flowing through the body began at a young age. She loves educating people on how energy in the body affects our well-being. With more than 30 years of experience, she has a well-rounded approach to assisting people who are interested in alternative ways to improve their health and happiness.