In the Flow with Healing Waters


Simplify your life

Can your life be simpler?
It depends on what you focus on. 

Is it possible that you have been viewing life from the mindset of struggleville?

With all the distractions of life, maybe you have lost sight of laughter, joy, happiness, peace, and love.  If this is true, this is the place where struggle, pain, sadness, and frustration live. 

In truth, we oscillate between happy and sad all the time. When you are feeling either of these, you are simply putting your attention there and it is what you are manifesting. If it is something other than simplicity, then it is more stressful. If you are putting your attention on joy, then you are at peace. Where you put your attention, is the life you are creating. 

Your mind might be saying, “Yeah, right, that is easy for her to write. She doesn’t understand the problems I am having. She doesn’t understand how hard my life is.”

Let me just say we all have a story; every single one of us, we all have something that has held us back or catapulted us forward. Perhaps your hardships are coming from work, siblings, parents, children, neighbors, friends, self-doubt, or self- sabotage. The simplicity of life is when we continue to look forward and stand in the best version of ourselves. Make the commitment to yourself to love yourself, nothing more. Is what you are doing loving you?

How will your life look if you notice that for everything you experience the opposite also exists.  What do you suppose will happen when you begin to keep a laser beam focused on your desires and hold true rather than the part that is struggleville? What will happen when you start to recognize that all of your hardships come from a place of being hard on yourself, not living into the best version of you and for living in a less than mentality. 

You have it within yourself to experience laughter, joy, happiness, peace, and even more love. This lives deep within you, and has always been here, all you need to do is place your attention on it. 

Where you place your attention, your energy follows, this creates an outcome, either way. 

Too simple, right? 

What life are you living? 

Simplicity or Struggleville?

You might ask if this is possible. How can I shift from one to the other?

The Perfect Triangle™ offers you tools, tips and tricks to understand that how you think, how you act or react, and how you view things can make a huge difference in how you are experiencing life. Simple or struggle? 

If you have more questions, call and make a 30 minute free discovery to hear more, or click on the  link to read more.

Register now to begin your new life of simplicity, joy, love, peace and laughter.

Living in the Flow,



Denise is the co-owner, founder of Healing Waters Health Center and AcuEnergetics® Senior Practioner. She is also a AcuEnergetics® level 1 teacher, and Co-Creator of The Perfect Triangle. Denise’s intrigue with and curiosity about energy flowing through the body began at a young age. She loves educating people on how energy in the body affects our well-being. With more than 30 years of experience, she has a well-rounded approach to assisting people who are interested in alternative ways to improve their health and happiness.