In the Flow with Healing Waters


Shifting your Attitude

What kind of person do you tend to be…the optimistic “glass half-full” kind of person or more pessimistic “glass half-empty”?

I doubt any of us really want to admit that we’re pessimists.  For myself,  I know I have to spend more energy towards being optimistic because it doesn’t always come naturally.  

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill

If you want your glass to be more full than empty try these steps.  

Give thanks daily

Instead of looking at how things are going wrong, look at all the big and little things in your life to be grateful for, it helps to write them down.  

Take time outs

We sometimes tell ourselves that our pessimistic thoughts are realistic thoughts. But remember, thoughts are not facts. If you find yourself mired in negativity, try to pause and question your thoughts.   When something happens that really frustrates you, give yourself time to just breathe and really look at the situation, you’ll be able to go back to it with a better frame of mind.  

Surround yourself with encouraging words

Put encouraging words around your home, in your car, etc.  Find quotes or scriptures that speak to your heart at the moment that will keep you in a grateful state.  

Encourage others

It’s amazing when we take time to encourage others how we benefit just as much.  Taking time to put others ahead of ourselves feels good.  If it’s hard to verbalize this, write the person a card or leave a little note.  I used to put little notes in my kids lunch boxes (husband to) and our daughter who is 23 still has some of those notes!

Use positive reinforcement 

None of us are perfect and everyday we won’t be optimistic and that’s ok.  But when you do notice that your thinking has changed to the positive, tell yourself “way to go”!  

Being around others who are optimistic can help you learn new tricks and discover how others find the positives even in negative situations. Simply being around an optimist can make us more optimistic.

Gratitude is the healthiest of all emotions. 

The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.  Zig Ziglar 

In the Flow,


