Today the center that appears congested is your Sacral Chakra.
What does that mean?
The sacral chakra is all about relating.
It is through this center that we relate to all others. Although this chakra center is commonly known as the sex center, the association with relationships is not just a reference to intimate partners. Everyone we relate to, from our immediate family to the guy at the coffee shop, to our partners and everyone we meet – we relate to through the sacral center. This chakra also houses our passions and pleasures. It highlights our creativity and sexual energy and things that bring joy.
When this sacral chakra becomes blocked/underactive you can feel creatively uninspired or feeling stuck in life. It can also be blocked if you can’t connect well with other people. Guilt, shame, and depression are also related to this center. Physically you may experience low libido and have hormonal and fertility issues.
When overactive, we may suffer from addictions, this is all addiction. You may also experience lots of emotional fluctuations from big highs to lows, like an emotional rollercoaster.
By honoring your body and expressing yourself creatively, you keep the energy wheels turning and fluid. When you start to feel guilt or shame creep in, saying what YOU want is important for this chakra, this is the path to finding your power.
Today the center that appears congested is your Sacral Chakra
What does that mean?
The sacral chakra is all about relating.
It is through this center that we relate to all others. Although this chakra center is commonly known as the sex center, the association with relationships is not just a reference to intimate partners. Everyone we relate to, from our immediate family to the guy at the coffee shop, to our partners and everyone we meet – we relate to through the sacral center. This chakra also houses our passions and pleasures. It highlights our creativity and sexual energy and things that bring joy.
When this sacral chakra becomes blocked/underactive you can feel creatively uninspired or feeling stuck in life. It can also be blocked if you can’t connect well with other people. Guilt, shame, and depression are also related to this center. Physically you may experience low libido and have hormonal and fertility issues.
When overactive, we may suffer from addictions, this is all addiction. You may also experience lots of emotional fluctuations from big highs to lows, like an emotional rollercoaster.
By honoring your body and expressing yourself creatively, you keep the energy wheels turning and fluid. When you start to feel guilt or shame creep in, saying what YOU want is important for this chakra, this is the path to finding your power.
The Sacral Chakra is located behind the pubic bone and is indicated as the orange circle on the map.