In the Flow with Healing Waters
Missing puzzle pieces
I remember doing a puzzle one time and nearly had it completed when I realized that I was missing 2 pieces!! I could see the picture and knew what it was, but the puzzle wasn’t complete without those missing pieces.
Life is kind of like that. Think of your life like a puzzle. The outer edge is your younger years that depict your early life. Your life puzzle will have areas that are established, and the pieces are connected forever, but there will always be a part of the puzzle unfinished until we die. Our puzzles are never complete, because life is constantly changing which alters the picture of our life.
I’ll give you one example of my life puzzle.
Around the age of 50, I started to “wake up” to my life, my purpose and my dreams. I was realizing that my vision of what I wanted in life was not aligning with my circumstances. Not that my circumstances were bad, but I wasn’t necessarily fulfilled because of my environment. I did several self-help things which ultimately brought me to making some big life changes. The biggest AH-HA was when I realized that to find happiness, I had to go within. I wasn’t going to find happiness by looking for it outside of self. Once I realized and understood that concept, things fell into place.
I could’ve stayed in the same environment, where I knew what my life was like and the familiarity of it felt safe, but I kept coming back to the fact that I was unfulfilled. I was hitting roadblocks when I would speak up and it became clear to me that I had to make changes or accept the current picture of my puzzle.
It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but now that I am on the other side, I am happier, and my vision and circumstances are in alignment.
Look at your life puzzle. Is the picture what you want it to be? Do you need to change out some old puzzle pieces for new ones to create a new picture? You are the artist of your puzzle. Make it a masterpiece that makes you smile.
Making your puzzle in the flow,